Please consider sponsoring the 2024 ride!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum: $1,000

Sponsorship includes: Recognition as “Official Sponsor of the Ride” presented by logo placement on Ride Shirts, 4 complementary shirts, 4 complementary ride entries, and recognition as “Platinum Sponsor” at the event, acknowledgement on Social Media, logo placement on Ride Website, logo placement event route signs, and logo on Event Poster

Gold: $750

Sponsorship includes: logo placement on Ride Shirts, 2 complementary shirts, 2 complementary Ride entries, recognition as “Gold Sponsor” at the event, acknowledgement on Social Media, logo placement on Ride Website, and logo on Event Poster

Silver: $500

Sponsorship includes: logo placement on Ride Shirts, 1 complementary shirt, 1 complementary Ride entry, recognition as “Silver Sponsor” at the event, acknowledgement on Social Media, logo placement on Ride Website, and logo on Event Poster

Patron: $200

Sponsorship includes: logo placement on Ride Shirts, recognition as “Patron Sponsor” at the event, acknowledgement on Social Media, logo placement on Ride Website, and logo on Event Poster


2024 Platinum Sponsors

2024 Silver Sponsors

2024 Patron Sponsors

2024 Support and Gear (SAG) Sponsors

2023 Platinum Sponsors

2023 Silver Sponsors

2023 Patron Sponsors

2023 Support and Gear (SAG) Sponsor

2022 Platinum Sponsors

2022 Gold Sponsors

2022 Silver Sponsors

2022 Patron Sponsors

2021 Platinum Sponsors

2021 Silver Sponsors

2021 Patron Sponsors

2021 Support and Gear (SAG) Sponsor